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SEND Information Report

We understand that some pupils may experience barriers to their learning, in the short or longer term, that require additional support to ensure that they make good progress. In these instances the school Special Educational Needs and Disability policy will be followed. Recently changes have been made to the statutory guidance provided forschools and this report will enable parents to understand how this may impact on their child.

1. What kinds of special educational needs does the school make provision for?

Stanton in Peak C of E Primary is a small mainstream primary school, we are extremely proud of our school, pupils, families and wider community and their achievements. Our school enables all children to reach their full potential within a safe and inspiring environment regardless of race, gender, religion, culture and ability.

We understand that some pupils may experience barriers to their learning, in the short or longer term, that require additional support to ensure that they make good progress but we work continuously to provide every child with access to a broad and balanced curriculum. We are equipped to cater for all four areas of needed as outlined in the Special Education Needs Code of Practice and detailed below:

  • Communication and Interaction
  • Cognition and learning
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health
  • Sensory and Physical Impairment
2. How do we identify and assess children with Special Educational Needs?

Children can be put forward for Special Education Needs Assessment or identified as having Special Education Needs and Disability through one of the following methods:

  • Pupil voice
  • Concerns raised by parents
  • Observations by teachers
  • Termly assessments and progress meetings
  • Liaising with previous settings and education providers
  • Liaising with external agencies
  • Health Diagnosis’ from a pediatrician or doctors.

As a school we continually measure children’s’ progress in relation to the National Curriculum expectations using termly assessments and their attainment is tracked from their entry at reception until they leave us in Year 6.

Children who are not making expected progress or are plateauing in their attainments are picked up through these assessments and are discussed during termly pupil progress meetings between the class teacher and head teacher. In these meetings each child is discussed on an individual basis to take into account a large range of factors that can affect children’s learning and behaviour in school, alongside strategies and further support that can be put in place to remove barriers and improve progress.

If your child is not making expected progress you (parent or carer) will be informed of the provision in place to support your child. It is important to know that class teachers continually make observation of child’s all round behaviour, physical and emotional development and if there are any concerns these will also be discussed as shared as described above.

If you think your child has a barrier to succeeding in their education, please talk to us. First contact your class teacher and if you require more information contact our school SENDCo’s or Head Teacher. We pride ourselves on building positive relations with parents through being approachable, open and honest and hope that you are encouraged to be the same.

Designated SEND Coordinators
Miss Birkin and Mrs Wyer
Phone: 01629 636301


For full details on identifying and assessing children for Special Education Needs please read our SEND policy located on the SEND page of the website.

3a. How will I know if my child is identified as having Special Educational Needs?

Research shows that children succeed better with the close support and effective partnership of both parents and teachers, and at Stanton in Peak C of E Primary School we endeavour to make all parents aware of their child’s progress regardless of ability to ensure:


  1. Early and accurate identification and assessment of SEND leading to the correct intervention and provision
  2. Continual social and academic progress
  3. Personal and academic targets are set and met effectively

Our school has an open door policy for parents/carers to make contact if they have any particular concerns. However, if your child is believed to have, or identified as having specific educational needs, you will be invited into school to discuss your child’s learning with their teacher. If an assessment or referral indicates that a pupil has specific learning needs, both parents and pupil will be continually consulted with regards to future provision and target setting – this is detailed further in our graduated response easy view for parents. Where necessary you will be invited into school more frequently to review your child’s progress in additional to termly parents evenings, nonetheless you are welcome to meet with the class teacher or SENDCo if you have any concerns or queries.

3b. What are the arrangements for consulting young people with SEND and involving them in their child’s education?

At Stanton in Peak C of E Primary School pupils feel safe to communicate their opinions concerning their own needs, each term pupils will meet with their teacher to have informal child friendly discussions about their progress, learning, achievements, concerns and future targets. Protecting pupil voice is very important to us and we believe that pupil participation is a right. We know that involving children in the development of their education and overall school experience improves motivation and fulfilment.

4. How are staff equipped to support the learning and development of children with special educational needs?

Inclusive, quality first teaching remains the most successful approach to improving the access and achievement of children in education. All staff receive annual training on quality first teaching led by the head teacher or SEND coordinators. The SENDCo’s attend regular meetings and review documents with the latest updates surrounding teaching and SEND, and feed relevant, up to date information back to teachers during staff meetings.
The school encourages professional development and staff confidently work with SENDCo to ask questions and adapt their teaching when necessary. When children have complex specific barriers to learning, teachers will be sent on tailored courses to improve their understanding and confidence with addressing these needs. Where children have EHCP’s (Educational Health Care Plans), the school will opt for SSSEN (Specialist Service for Special Educational Needs) to work and advise teachers.

5a. What is the schools approach to teaching pupils with special educational needs?

In school we use the Graduated Approach to monitoring and reviewing children’s progress. The graduated response is a continuous cycle of assess, plan, do, review. This approach is explained in more detail via the following link, you can also find this on the SEND homepage.

5b. How will the curriculum and learning be matched to my child’s needs?

Pupils with SEND will be given access to the curriculum through SEND support and specialist provision when necessary, as far as possible, in line with the wishes of the pupil, parent and needs of the individual.

We pride ourselves on providing an inclusive environment and every effort will be made to educate all children with their peers in a mainstream classroom setting, unless, when facilities permit, the child perceives they achieve better in an alternate environment or a quiet and less distracting environment is considered best practice to remove barriers to learning.

Through effective assessment of children’s starting points, work is planned carefully to target their next steps in learning, which is delivered through high quality teaching, scaffolding and differentiation. If a child receives extra intervention to address gaps in learning, the Educational Endowment Foundation (EEF) is used to select evidence based and effective learning programmes.

5c. How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom, including school trip?

Stanton in Peak C of E Primary School is an inclusive school and no child is excluded from any part of school life. Where necessary, parents or an additional adult will be invited to support the child. When needed child specific risk assessments are completed and all staff working with the child will be briefed thoroughly.

5d. What support will there be for my child’s overall wellbeing?

The adults that work in school strive to foster positive relationship with and between children. The children are encouraged to discuss any issues they have, whether educational or social, with their class teacher. A pupil may, at any time, experience difficulties in their personal or social circumstances which impair their ability to learn, staff are trained to be alert for any signs of distress or disengagement and are equipped to address these.

Addressing SEND stereotyping and bullying Research shows that pupils with SEND are at greater risk of bullying and victimisation. Bullying creates a barrier to children’s learning and prevents them from leading a fulfilled and happy life. The definition of bullying is when an individual or group repeats behaviour which is intentionally hurtful to an individual or group, either emotionally or physically.

We develop effective anti-bullying practice by:

  • Championing inclusion
  • Raising staff awareness through training on disability and equality
  • Reviewing our anti-bullying and behaviour policies and promoting the involvement of SEND pupils in these policies
  • Ensuring less tolerant and understanding peers learn about respect and difference diversity positively
  • Displaying our British values around school
  • Holding annual anti-bullying weeks
  • Visible staff at lunch times
  • Including every child in the whole curriculum, including sports days and productions, extra-curricular activities and learning outside the classroom
  • Displaying positive Images of disabled individuals
  • Having books throughout school which include and represent individuals with disability.
Additional Agencies

School works closely with all children to ensure their overall well-being. In specific cases we will liaise closely with Health, CAMHS, Autism Outreach and other independent organisations to ensure holistic well-being.

6. How will the school help me to support my child’s learning and development?

The class teacher and SENDCo holds information of all SEN support records such as provision maps, individual learning plans and year on year progress details. Teachers and parents will meet on a termly basis to discuss targets and progress, and suggest short activities, websites and fun games to support and facilitate progress at home. School will also signpost parents to Derbyshire’s Local Offer, which details other organisations and agencies in the county which offer support.

The Derbyshire Local Offer can by navigating the following link: Home - Derbyshire Local Offer

7a. What specialist services and expertise are available or accessed by the school?

Stanton in Peak C of E Primary School invites and seeks advice and support from external agencies in the identification of, assessment and provision design for children with SEND.

The SENDCo is the designated person responsible for liaising with the following services:

  • Derbyshire Educational Psychologist
  • Behaviour Support Services
  • Social Services
  • Speech and Language Services
  • Bereavement services
  • Child Protection
  • Family Support Services
  • Specialist outreach services.

Some services will require regular meetings with both parents and SENDCo’s to review progress and provision. Where there is a risk of safeguarding some services may be contacted before consulting parents.

7b. How will equipment and facilities to support pupils with special educational needs be secured?

Stanton in Peak C of E Primary School provide appropriate equipment and facilities that children with SEND may require. If additional funding is available and school deems that this will further enhance existing resources or provision, discussions will take place between the SENDCo and parents regarding what is on offer and what the process entails.

7c. How accessible is the school?

You can find our accessibility plan on the Stanton SEND homepage in order to evaluate the compatibility of your child’s need with our school setting.

8. How does the school prepare pupils for transition within and across school/settings?

Within school a number of designated transition visits are set up to enable children to become familiar with their new teacher and classroom environment, however due to the small nature of our school children will get opportunities to work with and communicate freely with all teachers within school.

When transferring to a secondary school, the year 6 teacher liaises with the appropriate secondary school to arrange transition visits between sites, with some settings offering additional transition visits for children with SEND. Where necessary the SENDCo and class teacher will work closely with the secondary school to transfer information about specific needs and pupil support plans which are in place. We hope that this will allow for a smooth transition between settings.

As a primary school we also aim to prepare all our children with the skills, behaviours and values that will enable them to become well rounded, confident and valuable members of society. These core values are embedded throughout school and the curriculum as part of their journey through education and form a strong foundation on which secondary school and further education can continue to build in order to ensure that children are prepared for adulthood and independent living.

9. How does the school evaluate the effectiveness of provision for pupils with special educational needs?

In order to make consistent continuous progress in relation to SEND provision the school encourages feedback from staff, parents and pupils throughout the year. Pupil progress will be monitored on a termly basis in line with the SEND Code of Practice.

There is an annual evaluation of the effectiveness of the school SEND provision and policy. The evaluation is carried out by the SENDCo, Head Teacher and SEND governor and information is gathered from different sources such as child through pupil voice and parent’s through surveys at parent’s evenings. The outcomes of these evaluations will be collated to inform points for development and action plans in collaboration with the SEND governor and shared with the governing body.

In addition to this the Head Teacher will liaise with the class teachers to monitor the progress of any child who has been identified as having SEND and discuss the interventions that have been put into place to support learning. Any interventions which are carried out to support a child are tracked and monitored as part of the graduated response to ensure they are having the required positive impact.

The schools SEND policy is also reviewed yearly as a way to evaluate the effectiveness of provision provided and updated when the identified development points and actions are achieved.

10. What do I do if I have feedback about the SEND provision made by school, including the complaints procedure?

For general feedback, enquiries or If you have a complaint regarding SEND and a child in school please do not hesitate to contact the Head teacher or refer to the school Complaints policy on our school website or ask for a copy in the school office.

If you have any questions or queries, please contact: Mrs Alexia Wyer (Head Teacher and SENDCo) on 01629 636301 or via email at

Gifted and Talented

Inclusion also includes children who have also been identified as being Gifted and Talented. At Stanton-in-Peak we believe that every child is special but have a duty to identify around 10% of our pupils who demonstrate a particular skill or ability. In these cases, children will be encouraged to make the most of their ability wherever possible.

For example, if your child is a gifted mathematician then work will be provided to ensure that they are stretched in class or, if your child is a talented sportsman, school will endeavour to provide your child with opportunities to compete against others in this area and to further develop their skills.

Inclusion simply means that we are committed to ensuring that every child can access the curriculum and all aspects of school life at a level that is appropriate for them. We are enormously proud to be one of a few Primary Schools in Derbyshire to have acheived the nationally recognised, and highly regarded, Inclusion Quality Mark